
Curriculum Vitae
Press and publications


Freud & Vienna
Conversations on Psychoanalysis
documentary series 1/5


Psychoanalysis as a conceptual system had absorbed a lot of intellectual elements that were present in turn-of-the century Vienna, or more widely the Austro-Hungarian or European cultural atmosphere at that time. Freud, just like Wittgenstein, Musil and a lot of others was a product of his age so he simply accepted a number of ideas that had been present in his environment. For instance the problem of the unconscious was such a concept. It was not discovered by Freud and it was not Freud who found out the existence of unconscious, it was not him who recognized the significance of sexuality, especially the significance of infant sexuality. But it was Freud who was able to create a unique synthesis from all of these elements and it was he who could somehow organize all these different ideological influences and sources into a theraputic movement. So as a possible answer to your question actually it is a myth that Freud thought up psychoanalysis alone or he would have had to fight his battle against a highly resistant society.


1993 - 53 min. - video

Directed by Péter Forgács

Consultants Dr. György Gergely, Dr. Márta Fülöp
Narrators Ági Csere, János Kulka
Camera Gábor Ferenczi, Péter Forgács, István Jávor
Sound Kati Gulyás
Assistant Zsuzsa Ujj
Editor Márta Révész
BBS line producer Ferenc Komjáthy
HTV Rt. / FMS line producers Gyula Kovács, István Szalai, András Tóth
FMS-HTV producer Jolán Árvai

list of participants

Dr. André Haynal (Geneva), training analyst
Dr. Béla Buda, psychiatrist
Dr. Ferenc Erős, social psychologist
Dr. Kinga Göncz, psychoanalyst
Dr. Béla Grünberger (Paris), training analyst
Dr. György Hidas, training analyst
Dr. Livia Nemes, training analyst
Dr. István Székács, psychoanalyst
Dr. Gábor Paneth, training analyst
Dr. Csaba Pléh, professor of psychology
Dr. György Vikár, training analyst

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