
Curriculum Vitae
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Episodes from the Life of Professor F.M.
Portrait film from Ferenc Merei



Ferenc Mérei (1909-1986), the prominent scientist of Hungarian psychology, not long before his death, was the subject of Péter Forgács’ film, created in coproduction with Balázs Béla Studio. The cinematographers of the film were Péter Forgács and András Mész.

“- My adolescence was very stormy, as I went through it… I do not know why, but somehow I was attracted by irregularity. The irregularity more or less was that I joint various odd and extreme groups. This is how I first got into the group of Palasovszky, but than shortly to Kassák. You can see in this picture too, that I am wearing a Russian shirt. I wore the Russian shirt because of Kassák…
- How did the Professor meet him?
- I do not know anymore, dear. As if I had known him ever in my life… However, the real encounter was in Magdolna street, in the Vasas Headquaters, in 1927-28. When he came home to Hungary. At the time his wife, Jolán Simon established a recite choir in Magdolna street, and he arrived there from Wienna… It can be found in A person’s life.
Well, about Kassák you can say: he was an amateur… Look at his pictures: he did not study anything. He did not study painting, he did not study anything, or writing poems… These are ancient elements… Later I looked at Kassák as the forefather of our whole tribe, he created actually, with him started the Hungarian avantgarde. I really endeared Kasi. I did not go to the recite choir, but I always went to the Seman cafeteria, where he got together with some people. Among others with me too. And than we talked about and did the life. I have to add I was a real hardliner, a Stalinist liner. Of course, I did not know at the time what Stalinism is, but I was a hardliner. And he was already a real maverick. Avantguardist. And so we got together in the Seman cafeteria, we met there. That time I wrote some articles for his paper, the Work, under some kind of pen name, I do not know anymore what name. Whatever. Kassák turned my attention toward my unrest also. Well, this was how I realized that I am hectic. This restlessness accompanied my life indeed.

1987 - video - 110 min.

Director Péter Forgács
Camera András Mész, Péter Forgács
Music Eric Satie: Vegsation
Music performed Béla Faragó
Editor Panni Kornis
Cooperator ZsuzsaMérei

Partners Dombai Pál, Ferenczi Gábor, Kardos Tamás, Kiss Tibor, Koltai Jenő, Kukli Sándor, Prohászka Béla

Balázs Béla Studio - HTV 1984-1987

special thanks
to Verának Mérei

Forgács Péter

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